Forms & Sign Ups

Scanned, signed copies are acceptable.

Forms can be emailed to Jeanne Sause. turned in to the main office, or dropped in the parish drop box after hours (inside the narthex of the rectory building).

Annual Youth Apostolate Participation Required Form for participation in youth events

2024-2025 YA Info. Sheet
This form is REQUIRED to be completed annually for every child prior participating in any Youth Apostolate function on or off site.

Specific Youth Event Sign-Ups and/or Forms:

(Note: The 2024-2025 YA Info. Sheet above must be on file annually, in order to participate in any of the events below.)

High School Events

Jr. High Events

Volunteer Opportunities (for youth, adults, and/or families)

  • Cook a meal for our priests
  • Sign up to Lead the Family Rosary at Church
    • Fr. De Celles hopes that married couples or parents with their children will sign up. A “Family” must be at least 2 people who are related by blood or marriage.
  • *Make/Donate a meatless breakfast
    • Would you be willing to provide a breakfast main dish for one or two of our Friday breakfasts this year? We need volunteers to help ensure our Friday Mass & Breakfast teens & priests are fed. Details and can be found on the signup If you have additional questions or prefer talking to someone, please do not hesitate to contact our volunteer breakfast coordinator, Dominique at or call her at 571-632-9957.
  • Bake Cookies for Prison Ministry
    • Cookies can be dropped off Sunday, October 27th from 5:30-7pm. 
      • Please call Jeanne 571-334-9890 when you arrive, and she will meet you outside the parish hall so as not to disturb CCD classes.
    • Cookies may also be dropped off at the parish Monday 10/28 or Tuesday 10/29 during regular office hours (9am-4:30pm).

Compliant Adult Volunteers Needed

Financial Donations are also accepted & greatly appreciated.

Ways to Donate (all tax-deductible):

  • One-time Gift online via Faith Direct
  • Recurring Gift via Faith Direct under the appeal titled “Youth Apostolate Donation”
  • Check made out to “St. Raymond’s” with “Youth Apostolate” in the memo line
    • If you want, you can specify what exactly you want the money to go towards on a separate note or the memo line as well (ie. “Youth Apostolate-WorkCamp” or “Youth Apostolate-Sunday dinners”, etc.)
  • Cash donation dropped off at the parish office


Contact Jeanne Sause
Director of St. Raymond’s Youth Apostolate
Phone/Text: 571-334-9890