March for Life & Life Fest

We are at a critical moment in history that demands a new vision.
The fall of Roe is not the end.
Let’s renew our commitment to love.
Let’s be agents of healing in a broken world.
We need each other.
7-12th Graders (Parents/families welcome to join us!)
5:30am Meet at Springfield Metro (to go to DC Armory)
7:30-11am Life Fest at DC Armory (Speakers, music, Mass with Cardinal)
11-12pm Metro to National Mall, grab quick bite at Compass Coffee, meet up with parish
3-4pm-ish Ride back to St. Raymond’s on metro (possibly on buses with parish if there’s room)
Total Cost: $25 + Lunch $ ($10 for ticket & $15 for Metro + lunch $)
How to Sign Up:
- Buy your own Ticket for Life Fest at
- Turn in Permission Slip & 2023-2024 YA Info. Sheet (if not already on file) to Jeanne
- RSVP so we know who to wait for at the metro & have enough seats in cars to get back to parish
- Your ticket for Life Fest
- Metro Card (with $15) & Money for Lunch
- SNACKS in your pockets (NO bags allowed)
- Dress for the weather
EAT before you come!!!
Read an article about Life Fest here.