Youth Apostolate News

*Scholarship/Competition Opportunities available for 7th graders through age 25


  • Cardinal Newman Society Essay Scholarship Contest for High School Seniors. Compete for a scholarship of $5,000 with the chance for up to $20,000! (And one of St. Raymond’s own has won this in the past!) Deadline: February 20th.
    • The winner of the Contest will be awarded $5,000 toward the cost of attending one of the institutions recommended in The Newman Guide. The scholarship is made possible thanks to the generosity of Joseph and Ann Guiffre, supporters of the Newman Society and faithful Catholic education
    • Additionally, there is the opportunity for the winner of the Contest to be awarded $20,000 over the course of four years.


  • Alex & Geline Williams VSHL (Virginia Society for Human Life) State Oratory Contest  open to grades 9-12; does not seem to be open yet for 2024 as information has not been updated on their website, but I have an email in to VSHL to get more information and will get back to you once I hear from them. (Prizes $500 and chance to compete at National Level; $250, $100) Due: TBD?
    • State winner, if junior or senior, will compete at national level for prize of $1000, $750, $500, $250
  • National Pro-Life Video Contest sponsored by NRLC open to anyone ages 15-25Entries are due May 31, 2024. Winner receives a free registration to the National Right to Life convention and tickets to the annual Prayer Breakfast and Closing Banquet. The top 3 finalists also get free entry into the LifeFest Film Festival in Hollywood, CA. 


  • USCCB Religious Liberty Essay Contest 2024 open to high school juniors and seniors. Entries are due March 29th
    • The first-place essay will be published Our Sunday Visitor, and the author will be awarded a $2,000 scholarship.
    • Second place will receive a $1,000 scholarship, and third place will receive a $500 scholars

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