September 13, 2021 Respect Life Schedule

Saint Raymond of Peñafort Church
Thank you for being willing to peacefully and prayerfully witness for life! You are part of an international effort to change hearts and minds by witnessing to the truth in love. More information about 40 days for life is available at Check it out! Please consider the following guidelines:
Our Vigil Site for Our Campaign is:

Falls Church Healthcare Center, 900 S Washington StreetFalls Church, VA 22046

This is about 20 minutes from St Raymond’s!

Parishioners from Saint Raymond’s have participated in every campaign since 2007! 

Click here for directionsfrom Saint Raymond’s toFalls Church Medical Center

40 Days for Life
The Fall Campaign will take place from September 30 – November 6 on the sidewalk in front of the Falls Church Healthcare Clinic located at
900 S Washington Street Falls Church.  
Our prayer vigil commitment hours are : 
Every Friday from 10am – noon. 
Saturday November 5 from Noon-7pm
Sunday November 6 from 9am-3pm

Sign ups are in the Narthex

Signs to borrow will still be in the Narthex under the usual display table. 

 Sign up to receive daily inspirational updates from the international organizers!