Updated August 4th:

At last word, the ship with the marble arrived in the Bahamas!
We don’t have the timing of the ship’s departure from Freeport or its arrival in Baltimore, but we’re getting closer…
HERE ARE PHOTOS taken last month of the railing shown put together. Pray to St. Raymond of Penafort for the safe arrival of the ship

The construction of the Altar Rail and Pulpit will be in two stages. Stage One (approximately 3 or 4 weeks) is construction and tile work of the sanctuary making it wider and reconstruct and tile the first and second steps. Additionally, we will add tile to the area in front of the statues of the Blessed Mother and Saint Joseph. During Stage One the entire sanctuary will be closed and temporarily replaced by a wooden altar in front of the sanctuary and the first two front pews will be removed.

Stage Two (approximately 1 week) will be the installation of the altar rails and pulpit. This stage will happen when the sanctuary reconstruction/tiling is completed and as soon as the marble arrives from Italy.

Photos of Altar Rail Installation -Completed!