Chanting The Communion Rite in Latin
This page will help you to learn how to chant in Latin the parts of the Mass that follow the Eucharistic Prayer.
I apologize that they are not all from the same source, but I tried to pick the most helpful recordings for you to sing with.
NOTE: if you are only interested in learning the 2 new Latin phrases you need to know for the 9am Mass effective in September, scroll down to the 1) “Libernos nos,” and 2) “Ecce Agnus Dei.”
So, we begin.
First, the “Our Father,” or “Pater Noster”:
●The first part of this recording is the priest’s invitation to pray.
●Then comes the Pater Noster which we pray together
After this we have the Embolism and Response:
●The first part is the Embolism, or the Priest’s prayer “Deliver us Lord,” or “Libera nos.”
●Then follows the People’s response, “For the kingdom,” or “Quia tuum.”
Alternatively, instead of chanting we may simply recite the “Libera nos” and the response, “Quia tuum”:

After this comes the Right of Peace, or “Domine Jesu Christe.”
●First comes the Priest’s Prayer for Peace, and the Peoples response, “Amen.”
●Then follows the Sign of Peace from the Priest, and the People’s response:
After this we chant the “Agnus Dei”:
(Here’s another version we might use sometime; Chant mode VIII: )
Then the Priest shows the People the Blessed Sacrament and chants the “Behold the Lamb of God,” or “Ecce Agnus Dei,” and the People response, “Lord, I am not worthy” or “Domine non sum dignus”:
Alternatively, instead of chanting we may simply recite the “Ecce Agnus Dei” and the response, “Domine non sum dignus”:

I hope this is helpful. If you have any further questions please email or call the office.