- (August 2018) TRANSGENDER DEBATE: Crowder Argues Science vs. Julie Rei Goldstein | Louder With Crowder (TRANSGENDER DEBATE: Crowder Argues Science vs. Julie Rei Goldstein | Louder With Crowder – YouTube)
- 8:35-11:15 Describes problems with cited pro-transition papers and shows others where there is a 16-19x greater suicidality rate in the transgender community. This doesn’t improve with transition
- 13:00 activist admits suicide rate is high in transgender community
- 28:50-30:50 Both debaters agree 75-90% of kids completely outgrow gender dysphoria.
- 37:30-39:00 “Gender identity” is a confusing term as it incorporates some aspects of sex as well as cultural per Julie Rei Goldstein (transgender actor)
- Trent Horn
- (August 2021) National Catholoic Register – Ryan Anderson (Ryan Anderson on Gender Ideology and Taking on the ‘Woke Elite’: Christian Vision Counters the Lies| National Catholic Register (