Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

July 13, 2014 Column Father De Celles News

Sung High Mass on the Solemnity of the Assumption. For the last 3 ½ years we’ve offered the Extraordinary Form Mass (a.k.a.: the “EFM,” “Tridentine Mass” or “Traditional Latin Mass”) on the first and third Fridays of the month. Attendance has been good at these Masses, but I’ve always wanted to expose more of you to this beautiful form of the liturgy. It is, after all, the form of Mass celebrated everywhere throughout the Latin Church for at least 1400 years, up until 1970—the Mass that inspired great saints like St. Francis, St. Therese, St. Ignatius, St. Andrew Dung-Lac, St. Lorenzo Ruiz, and St. Raymond of Peñafort. It is different from the “Ordinary Form Mass” (“Novus Ordo”, or “New Mass”) that we usually celebrate, but not entirely different. After all, the “New Mass” comes from and is rooted in this ancient form. It seems to me that experiencing this ancient form can only lead to a deeper understanding of the newer. Yes, it is different—the Latin, the silence, the private prayers of priest and laity—but in all this there is a profoundly rich sense of reverence, holiness, prayerfulness and mystery that reminds us that Mass is supposed to be different.

Nowhere is this so apparent as when the EFM is “sung” or chanted at a “High Mass”. While some say they find the very quiet “Low Mass” (the EFM here on Fridays) difficult to adjust to, I’ve honestly never met anyone who wasn’t moved by the Sung High Mass—it is really something beautiful.

So, on August 15, the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, I will offer the Sung High Mass, in the Extraordinary Form, at the regularly scheduled 7pm Mass. The guest choir will be an ensemble from the extraordinarily talented choir, “Suscipe Quæso Domine,” (Latin: “Accept, I beseech thee O Lord”), more popularly known as, “The Suspicious Cheese Lords.” If you’ve never been to the EFM, don’t worry—just come. If you’ve been on Friday night and were a little confused—this is different. Even if you decide it’s not your regular “cup of tea,” you will not regret having experienced this different, but very beautiful and Catholic, form of worship. Trust me.


Father’s Father. Fr. Kenna’s Dad, Edward Kenna (92), is struggling with some severe health problems, especially with his heart. Please keep both Father and his father in your prayers.


Thanks, Mark Arbeen. I’m sorry to report that Mark Arbeen has decided to step down after several years of coordinating our Altar Servers. He’s done an amazing job of not only training and coordinating the servers, but also in helping important liturgies run smoothly, especially at Christmas and Holy Week. I can’t thank him enough for all he’s done for us all—especially for me.


Position Open: Parish Secretary. I am still accepting applicants to fill the position of parish secretary (see last weeks’ bulletin). Please send resumes to Mary Butler in the parish office or to


Lazy Days of Summer. This time of year it’s easy to forget your New Year’s resolutions to get more involved in parish life. Here are some of the parish activities/groups that the Lord Jesus may be calling you to join—this summer!

Adoration: Diane Spinelli, 703-451-1779,

Adult Education Programs (RCIA, Bible Study): Bob Ward, 703-644-5873,

Altar Servers, Fr. Kenna, 703-440-0535,

Altar Society: Nena Brennan, 703-541-5151,

American Heritage Girls: Mary Hansen, 571-405-4145,

Bake Sales: Kathy Walker, 703-202-5300,

Basketball Team: CYO): Ed Gloninger, 703-451-8049,

Bereavement Committee: (Vacant)

Book Club: Kathy Campbell, 703-451-5360,

Choir (all music for Masses): Elisabeth Turco, 703-506-4644,

Cursillo: Chuck Tiso, 703-866-1081,

Flower Committee: Rosario Mendez, 202-253-9471,; and Julie Mullen, 703-493-9291,

Gift Shop: Rena DeRosa, 703-307-9351,

Home School Group: Sheri Burns, 703-455-1820, Tania Slaton, 703-493-8186,

Knights of Columbus: John Crennan, 703-451-2115,

Landscaping: Vacant

Lectors: Philip Bettwy, 703-690-6379,

Legion of Mary: Tom Delaney, 703 690-1930,

Library: Liz Hildebrand, 703-455-3193,

Men’s Prayer Group: Dave Wilson, 703-455-1847,

Mother’s Group: Michelle Castry, 703-731-7854,

Natural Family Planning: Bob & Geri Laird, 703-339-7261,

One Spirit Special Needs Apostolate: (Vacant)

Prayer Group: Elaine Perricone, 703-440-8356,

Religious Freedom Committee: Bob Laird, 703-339-7261,

Respect Life Committee: Liz Hildebrand, 703-455-3193,

–  Project Gabriel: (Vacant)

–  Project Rachel: Diane Spinelli, 703-451-1779,

Samaritans : Laura Haas Connolly,  703-690-6254,

St. Martin de Porres Society: Flavia Tommasi, 703-866-4671

Trail Life, USA: Vince Drouillard, 703-992-0490,

Ushers: Paul DeRosa,  703-307-9351,

Wedding Committee: Carol Ann McKim, 703-644-4040,; and Kathy Siner, 703-569-0958,

Welcome Committee: Mary Butler, 703-440-0535.

Women’s Group: (Vacant)

Youth Apostolate (“Youth Group”): Jeanne Sause , 703-440-0535,




Oremus pro invicem. Fr. De Celles