Important Religious Education Dates and Information
May 3, 2016 News
Upcoming Events
- First Communion Rehearsal, Thursday, May 5th; 6:30 p.m. Parish Hall
- First Communion Mass, Saturday, May 7th; 11 a.m. (children to arrive by 10:15 in Parish Hall). Pick up certificates, banners and gifts after Mass, Parish Hall
- MAY CROWNING, Sunday May 8th after 12:15 Mass; First Communicants wear their First Communion outfits and participate in procession
- CORPUS CHRISTI procession, Sunday May 29th after 12:15 Mass; First Communicants wear their First Communion outfits and participate in procession
- Confirmation Rehearsal, Thursday, May 26th; 6:30 p.m. Parish Hall
- Confirmation Mass, Bishop Loverde, Friday May 27; 7:30 p.m.; sponsors and Confirmandi to arrive no later than 6:30 p.m., Parish Hall.
- Confirmation Reception and photos with Bishop Loverde, immediately following the Mass in the Parish Hall; approximately 9 p.m.
2016-2017 Religious Education Registration Forms – NOW AVAILABLE! Sign up early to secure your preferred day!
- Registration Forms now available in the Narthex, Parish and Religious Education Offices and online here
- Baptismal Certificates required for 1st and 7th Grade Years in preparation for First Communion (2nd Grade) and Confirmation (8th Grade)
Vacation Bible School, July 11-15, 2016 (Enrollment available by Mid-May)