Introducing ABC Women’s Health is a pro-life resource center.
November 13, 2015 News
ABC is a pro-life pregnancy resource center providing free pregnancy testing, ultrasound imagery, and other resources to women experiencing an unexpected pregnancy. We routinely operate outside abortion centers in Northern Virginia, offering abortion-minded women the opportunity to see their unborn baby, reconsider their decision, and choose life. Many do.
Although we’ve been rewarded by numerous successes, we still need to reach more women. We’ve found that we can reach significantly greater numbers of abortion-minded women if we show up near the top of Internet searches. One way to get a high listing is for our website to be linked to numerous other websites, triggering key search engine results so that a woman finds our website before Planned Parenthood or other abortion provider.
For more information go to our Respect Life Tab and click on ABC Women’s Health.