July 2020

Mass: Friday, July 31, Memorial of St. Ignatius of Loyola, 8:30am

Mass: Thursday, July 30, Memorial of St. Peter Chrysologus, 8:30am

Mass: Wednesday, July 29, Memorial of St. Martha, 8:30am

Mass, Tuesday, 17th Week of Ordinary Time, July 28, 8:30am

Mass: Monday, 17th Week of Ordinary Time, July 27, 8:30am (Votive Mass of St. Raymond of Penafort)

Mass: 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time, July 26, 11am

Mass: Saturday, July 25, Feast of St. James, 9am

Mass, 16th Week of Ordinary Time, Friday, July 24, 8:30am

Mass, Memorial of St. Bridget, Thursday, July 23, 8:30am(lightening disabled our internet so we were unable to livestream, but the recorded Mass is presented here).

Mass: Wednesday, July 22, Feast of St. Mary Magdalene, 8:30am (lightening disabled our internet so we were unable to livestream, but the recorded Mass is presented here).

Mass, Tuesday of 16th Week of Ordinary Time: July 21, 8:30AM

Mass, Monday, Memorial of St. Apollonaris, July 20, 8:30am

SUNDAY Mass, 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time, July 19, 11am

Mass, Saturday, 15th Week of Ordinary Time, (Votive of the Blessed Virgin Mary) July 18, 9am

Mass, 15th Week of Ordinary Time: July 17, 8:30AM

Mass, Thursday, 15th Week of Ordinary Time (Our Lady of Mt. Carmel): July 16, 8:30AM

Mass, Wednesday, 15th Week of Ordinary Time (St. Bonaventure): July 15, 8:30AM

Mass, Tuesday, 15th Week of Ordinary Time (St. Kateri Tekawitha): July 14, 8:30AM (Apologies. Last minute Technical difficulties)

Mass, Monday, 15th Sunday or Ordinary Time, July 13, 8:30AM

Mass, SUNDAY, 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time, July 12, 11am

Mass, Saturday, 14th Week of Ordinary Time (St. Benedict), July 11, 9:00AM

Mass, Friday, 14th Week of Ordinary Time, July 10, 8:30am

Mass, Thursday, Memorial of St. Augustine Zhao Rong & Companions, July 9, 8:30am

Mass, Wednesday, 14th Week of Ordinary Time, July 8: 8:30am

Mass, Tuesday, 14th Week of Ordinary Time, July 7, 8:30AM

Mass, Monday, Memorial of St. Maria Goretti, July 6, 8:30am

Homily from the Mass, July 5, 11am:

Mass, 14th Sunday of Ordinary Time SUNDAY, July 5, 11am

No video for Saturday, July 4Sorry

Mass, Friday, 13th Week of Ordinary Time, Feast of St. Thomas, July 3, 8:30am

Mass, Thursday, 13th Week of Ordinary Time, July 2, 8:30am (Votive of St. Raymond)

Mass, Wednesday, Memorial of St. Junipero Serra, July 1, 8:30am
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