Link for Direct Giving Now Available! Go To “Direct Giving” Tab At The Top of This Site!

November 20, 2014 News

Faith Direct provides our parish families with the ability to give to our parish via electronic donation.


People are deciding to use this outstanding program for a variety of reasons.  Here are three that we hear time and again from families who are now giving through Faith Direct:


  • Simplicity: Imagine not having to write a check each Sunday morning – and no more

searching around for your offertory envelopes. People are finding that Sundays are simpler with Faith Direct – so there’s more time to focus on Mass, prayers, and God’s message that day.


  • Consistency: Many who have switched to Faith Direct appreciate the fact that they can

support our ministries even when they are out of town or unable to attend Mass – and they’re happy that this consistency helps St. Raymond of Peñafort more effectively plan our programs and services.


  • Savings: People are telling us that they like eGiving because it helps our parish conserve

resources. Faith Direct is more cost-effective than printing up and mailing out envelopes, and the money we save can help us further expand our ministries. Plus, eGiving uses less paper… so it’s a great way for families to ease their impact on the environment!