May 13, 2012
May 13, 2012 Column Father De Celles
MOTHER’S DAY. Of course, today is Mother’s Day. While this is a secular holiday, how can Catholics not enthusiastically join in the celebration? After all, what group of people celebrates motherhood with more joy and reverence than the Catholic Church? Who else sees motherhood as a uniquely holy and dignified vocation, and mothers as specially lifted by God himself for our respect, honor and love?
Of course all human beings have a natural inclination toward a deep affection for their own mothers. In spite of this western culture has gradually been subtly degrading the dignity of motherhood and mothers, discouraging motherhood by pushing contraception, sterilization and, of course, abortion, and stressing “careers” over maternity. Mothers of more than 2 children are often treated as oddities, and mothers of larger families are publicly ridiculed. Women who leave the work place to be “stay at home” moms are belittled, and accused of wasting their lives and “not working.”
Against all this stands the Catholic Church, which recognizes motherhood as a holy vocation, and mothers as the heart of the family. We recognize this dignity in all women, even before their first tiny baby rests in their wombs—women are created with this great gift written into their nature, with this tremendous capacity and potentiality to give life and love not only to their children and families, but to the world itself. Moreover, we give special praise, care and defense of mothers from the very first moment their tiny babies are conceived in their bodies.
Furthermore, the Church sees in motherhood the model for her own relationship with God’s children: “she” is the bride of Christ, and so also “Holy Mother Church.” From motherhood the Church takes its lead in giving eternal life and love to the baptized, and with a mother’s heart she looks on the unbaptized throughout the world, longing to take them into her embrace and bring them to Christ.
And finally, the Church recognizes that one of the greatest gifts Our Lord Jesus has given to us is His own Blessed Mother, Mary, to be our Mother: “Son behold your Mother!” Who is more dear to us than her, who tenderly comforts her children in their times of sadness, fear and loneliness? Who teaches and protects women as they learn the true meaning of motherhood? Who draws children and husbands to show a deeper love and respect for mothers, wives and all women? And who more forthrightly brings us to her son, and teaches us “to do whatever He tells you?
Today we honor all mothers, living and dead. And we especially try our best to show our own mothers, in various ways, just how deeply we appreciate all they do for us, and how much we truly cherish and love them. But the best thing we can do for our mothers is to pray for them: to commend them to the care of our Blessed Mother, and to the love of her son, Jesus, who love our moms even more than we do. God bless you, dear mothers!
Mary’s Month. Today may be Mother’s Day, but the whole month of May is Mary’s Month. We will recognize this in a particular way today at the end of the 12:15 Mass, as we have the May Crowning: the First Communicants bring flowers to the statue of Mary, as one of our older girls places a crown of flowers on the head of Our Lady. What memories this brings back to me from my childhood, as every year all the children in my parish school joined in an elaborate May Crowning ceremony that included a lively procession, a living Rosary, and Benediction with the Blessed Sacrament. All drawing us closer to our loving Blessed Mother.
I encourage all of you to make special efforts this month to nurture this devotion to Mary in yourselves, and in your families. Perhaps you can set a goal to pray the Rosary, or at least a decade of the Rosary, every day in May. Maybe you can say it as a family, or maybe young couples can pray it together to strengthen their chaste love and mutual respect. If you already do that, maybe you could make it your May project to learn a new prayer or hymn to the Blessed Mother. You could also place a statue or a picture of the Blessed Mother in a prominent place in your house, or read a good devotional book on Our Lady, or maybe tell some friends about this great gift that Christ has given us in our Mother. Let May be a time that will truly bring you closer to your Mother, and through her to her Son.
First Holy Communion. Speaking of First Communicants, yesterday (Saturday), about 100 of our children received their First Holy Communion. What a wonderful thing for them, to receive our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament for the first time, to be so close to Him in body and soul. And what a great thing to witness: such devotion, love and faith. May we all learn from their example. And may they each grow in devotion and persevere in their faith all the days of their lives!
Ascension Sunday. This coming Thursday much of the Catholic world celebrates Ascension Thursday as a Holy Day of Obligation. For us, however, the Feast of the Ascension is moved from Thursday to next Sunday—Thursday is not the Ascension nor a Holy Day of Obligation! So prepare your hearts this week to celebrate this most holy feast next Sunday with fitting joy and solemnity!
Fr. Jerry Daly. Last Wednesday, May 9, Fr. Daly celebrated the 25th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. After serving his country through a long, distinguished and heroic career as an Army helicopter pilot, he chose to continue his life of service, but now dedicated to the service of Christ and His Church as a priest. Thanks be to God for that decision, and for the gift of this holy and hardworking priest. Serving as his vicar at St. Michael’s for 2 years I can attest to this personally, and I am honored and humbled to have him assisting me on weekends here at St. Raymond’s. May God bless him and grant us many more years of his holy priesthood in our midst! Congratulations Father Daly!
Two other priests. Fr. Joseph Okech will celebrate today’s 5pm Mass in thanksgiving for completing his doctorate at Catholic University, which he worked on for several years while also serving our parish. Congratulations, Fr. Joseph!
Also, as school winds down, we say farewell to Fr. John Lovell as he returned home this week for the summer to Rockford, IL. But he will be back in August to finish his studies and to assist us on weekends. Let’s keep him in our prayers.

Oremus pro invicem. Fr. De Celles