St. Raymond’s Moms Group

Join the St. Raymond’s Moms Group to meet moms with kids of all ages who share your
faith. Our moms range from stay-at-home to working outside the home and our children
range from newborn to school-age. Motherhood is a very special vocation that we
share and becoming part of a group is a wonderful way to connect with others and
establish deeper roots in our faith.

Moms and kids meet in the church every Wednesday at 10 am for brief adoration
followed by play group downstairs in the church hall. Sometimes we switch things up and
meet at a playground or other local attraction.

Join us for Moms Night Out once a month. We meet on a Monday around 7 pm at a nearby
restaurant for some good food, good laughs and good conversation.

We also have events for the whole family, such as our annual potluck picnic and
annual Christmas party.

Expectant mothers are welcome as well. Come join us for play group or any of our
other events and share ideas and experiences with other moms. We also provide meals
after the baby is born.

Contact Michelle Castry at
or 703-731-7854 to join.