Pray Twice for Our Nation This Independence Day
July 1, 2015 News
Be part of the finishing days of the Fortnight for Freedom
This year there are two opportunities set aside to pray for our nation during these troubling times:
The federal holiday for Independence Day is Friday, July 3rd. Mass is at 10:00 a.m. Immediately following Mass is a “Holy Half-Hour” of prayers for the Fortnight for Freedom which our parish has been celebrating each evening since June 21st.
Finally, there is no better way to begin Independence Day on July 4th than to attend Mass at 9:00 a.m. immediately followed by the concluding prayers of the 2015 Fortnight for Freedom.
In such trying times, let us reflect on Father De Celles’ homily of last Sunday as he prayed:
As we now move … into this Holy Mass, as the Lord comes to us in the Holy Eucharist, truly present, body blood soul and divinity, let us fall on our knees and beg him to forgive our nation for betraying his Creative will, and to grant us the grace, courage, faith, hope and love to continue to defend the true meaning and purpose of marriage.
And let us beg him that in his boundless love for us, he may save our nation from cultural death, our families from collapse and division, and our Church, and each other, from oppression and persecution.
And most importantly, let us pray that he may save us all from all of our sins, and so save us all from eternal death and bring us all into eternal life.