Second Sunday In Ordinary Time
January 14, 2017 Column Father De Celles
Parish Volunteers. Last Saturday night, on the Feast of St. Raymond, we held our annual Volunteer Dinner, honoring about 150 of our parish’s most dedicated volunteers and their spouses. It was a great night for many reasons, but especially to see all these people who are so committed to supporting and serving our parish family having this opportunity to share in such warm and fraternal fellowship.
I’ve always said that one of the best ways to grow in your Catholic faith is to become active in some parish group or committee. It may not be as essential as receiving the Sacraments or reading the Scriptures or studying the Catechism, but getting involved in parish activities can be a great way to discover the meaning of Christian service, as well as the support of your fellow parishioners. I know when I was a 20-something year-old Catholic lay man that was an important factor contributing to the deepening my faith. Sometimes the Church, and even the parish, can seem so huge and impersonal. But by being involved in a particular small group or activity of the parish you can really become involved in the life of the whole parish. Not only does this create a personal and familial sense of belonging, but it also draws you deeper into the life of the whole parish and the whole Church—you meet more people, make more good Catholic friends and you learn about more opportunities to serve and to be served.
So this year I encourage you to resolve to take a more active part in the life our parish, and to do so as did the Lord Jesus, who “came to serve, not to be served.” Resolve to become a committed volunteer for one or more activities or groups in the parish.
Many St. Raymond parishioners have a strong history of committed volunteerism (God bless you!). Sometimes, however, this causes others (especially newcomers) to think that their help isn’t needed. But the reality is just the opposite: we constantly need fresh ideas, younger muscles, new voices, etc.. And we can’t grow or improve if we don’t have more help! So I encourage folks who aren’t committed to some volunteer parish activity now to do so in 2017, especially those who are newer to our parish. And I encourage those of you who are volunteers already to invite others parishioners you meet to join you!
I know everybody’s busy, and many of you are already serving the Lord in many ways outside of the parish. But as we begin this New Year, I beg you to think and pray seriously about the specific ways you can volunteer in our parish.
To jog your thoughts here, see below a list of the various parish committees/activities that need your help.
Oremus pro invicem, Fr. De Celles
Adoration—Wednesdays (Diane Spinelli)703-451-1779
Adoration- Fridays (Eva Radel) 703-440-0535
Adult Education Programs (RCIA, Bible Study) (Bob Ward) 703-644-5873
Altar Servers (Fr. Smith) 703-440-0535
Altar Society (Nena Brennan) 703-541-5151
American Heritage Girls (Mary Hansen) 703-405-4145
Bake Sales (Vacant) 703-440-0535
Basketball Team (Youth) (CYO) (Ed Gloninger) 703-451-8049
Bereavement Committee (Vacant) 703-440-0535
Book Club (Jim Mault) 703-913-5685
Choir (all music for Masses) (Elisabeth Turco) 703-506-4644
Christ House (Maria Sanchez-O’Brien) 571-259-7379
Cursillo (Chuck Tiso) 703-866-1081
Flower Committee (Julie Mullen) 703-493-9291
Gift Shop (Maria Sanchez-O’Brien) 703-690-1477
Home School Group (Katherine Bogacki) 703-591-0215; (Malia Cameron) 703-644-4487
Knights of Columbus (Philip Fick) 202-567-1679
Landscaping (Vacant) 703-440-0535
Lectors (Brenda Doroski) 703-455-1850
Legion of Mary (Judy Mayer) 703-690-1827
Library (Liz Hildebrand) 703-455-3193
Men’s Prayer Group (Dave Wilson) 703-455-1847
Mother’s Group (Michelle Castry) 703-731-7854
Natural Family Planning (Bob or Geri Laird) 703-339-7261
One Spirit Special Needs Apostolate (Vacant) 703-440-0535
Prayer Group (Elaine Perricone) 703-440-8356
Respect Life Committee (Liz Hildebrand) 703-455-3193
Project Gabriel (Beth Berger) 703-690-3483
Project Rachel (Diane Spinelli) 703-451-1779
Religious Freedom (Bob Laird) 703-339-7261
Religious Education (“CCD”) (Mary Salmon) 703-440-0537
Samaritans (Sloane Bailey) 703-966-8170
St. Martin de Porres Society (Flavia Tommasi) 703-866-4671
Trail Life (Vince Drouillard) 703-992-0490
Ushers (Patrick O’Brien ) 703-690-1477
Wedding Committee (Pam Rinn)703-690-4420
Welcome Committee (Mary Butler) 703-440-0535
Women’s Group (Vacant ) 703-440-0535
Youth Apostolate (“Youth Group”) (Jeanne Sause) 571-334-9890