40 Days For Life!

October 11, 2015 News

imageOur parish weekend in support of the 40 Days for Life Campaign is fast approaching.  St Raymond’s has committed to this peaceful prayerful

 (might I add incredibly powerful!) 
vigil on Sat/Sun October 17/18 from 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Yes, that’s 24 hours of grace flowing our way at 303 S Maple Street in Falls Church; the sight of Planned Parenthood.
God has been blessing Northern Virginia abundantly in this work.
Gynecare on Duke Street in Alexandria  – Closed  – 2013
NOVA Women’s Healthcare Fairfax – Closed – 2013
Amethyst Health Center for Women in Manassas – Closed – September 28, 2015
All of those clinics were 40 Days for Life vigil sites!
Our prayers do make a difference!  Can you help?!
As per their own website, this clinic is not open on Saturdays or Sundays.  That does not diminish the need to be there!  This is a spiritual battle and evil does not have ‘office hours’.  The benefits of witnessing when a clinic is closed include the fact that the atmosphere may be much more manageable for ‘first timers’ and those concerned about bringing children.  The peaceful prayerful presence also alerts the community to what goes on behind those doors and may just be what a passerby checking out the address for her upcoming appointment may need to see to have a change of heart.
So please spread the word!  Sign up in the narthex so that others can see your commitment.  Maybe someone will see your name and decide to join you.  The more the merrier!  Pick and hour and then call a friend or two to join you!  An invitation is all some folks need to step up to this level of witness.
Prayerful – non graphic – signs are available on site.
I am happy to answer questions!