July 24, 2015 News
Our very own Anneliese walks across America to save lives!
Her own words: “This summer, I’m walking across America to save babies. I’m walking to grow closer to God, to strengthen my prayer life, and to embrace redemptive sacrifice. I’m walking for all the children who will never be able to. I’m walking for the mothers that were told their fetuses weren’t human yet, and for the fathers who will never be. I’m walking to end the Culture of Death that has taken half of my generation.”
Please continue to pray and read about their journey by going to:
Anneliese came home from CROSSROADS. Instead of what is presently on the parish website, what we would like to post is the blog that can be found in the link below. Could you take down what is there and replace it with this.
Many thanks and sorry for any confusion.