July 2, 2021 News
On July 1st Father Daly celebrated his first public Mass since his return home.
Please continue to pray for him.
Father Daly appreciates all the prayers.
Fr. Daly will turn 90 on july 21st! There will be a birthday card parishioners may sign after all Sunday Masses during the first three weekends of July. In order to have room for everyone to sign, please just sign your name.
We will also request many private Masses to be offered for Fr. Daly over the next year, and you can help sponsor them. Please use the sign-up in the narthex or Faith Direct. Donations (not tax-deductible) may be mailed, brought to the office, or paid online.
If you would like to write Father Daly a personal note, it can be dropped at the office by July 19th to be delivered with the parish card and gift of Masses.
If you would like to volunteer to help after Mass with the card, please click here.