March 29, 2018 News

Holy Week Schedule 2018



Holy Week Confessions


Holy Thursday, March 29: No Confessions

Good Friday, March 30: 11:00am – 12:00pm/4:45pm–6:00pm (after the 3pm Liturgy)

7:30pm (until the line runs out)

Holy Saturday, March 31: 1:00pm–3:00pm

(Note: There are no Confessions on Holy Saturday at 5pm & no Confessions on Easter Sunday)


Holy Thursday, March 29

No Masses during the day at St. Raymond’s

(10:30am Chrism Mass at St. Thomas More Cathedral)

No Confessions on Holy Thursday

7:00pm “Mass of the Lord’s Supper”

  • After Mass, Night Watch is kept until Midnight in the Parish Hall


Good Friday, March 30

(a day of mandatory fasting and abstinence)

11:00am – 12:00pm: Confessions

3:00pm: “Celebration of the Lord’s Passion

(Veneration of the Cross & Communion Service)

4:45pm–6:00pm: Confessions (Confessions begin after the 3pm Liturgy)

7:00pm: Stations of the Cross

7:30pm: Confessions (until the line runs out)

 Holy Saturday, March 31

(a day of voluntary fasting and abstinence)

12:00pm: Blessing of the Easter Baskets

1:00pm–3:00pm: Confessions

8:30pm: Easter Vigil Mass


Normal Sunday Mass Times: except no 5:00pm Mass

7:00am, 8:45am, 10:30am and 12:15pm

There will be no confessions on Easter Sunday