Mother Teresa A Complete Authorized Biography
September 18, 2012 Book Club
Author: Kathryn Spink
Synopsis: The complete story of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, founder of the Missionaries of Charity and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, a woman regarded by millions as a contemporary saint for her dedication to serving the poorest of the poor.
Rating: 4.0 stars
Quotes: “I enjoyed reading about how her story unfolded. There are many, many things one could say about her life and work, but what struck me most of all was the two things to which she always returned. Those things were the “primacy of love” and the focusing on one individual at a time. It made me think of the passages in Corinthians about having all the wonderful gifts, but if we don’t use them with love, they are worthless. That is what Mother Teresa’s life showed, the idea that love always must be the focus of our interactions with one another.”
“A joy to read the details of the character and works of Mother Teresa who was so beloved by people of all faiths for her genuine selfless love for all people, but especially the poor. Her determination was amazing and the way she inspired others. I hope after reading this that I will remember, more often, to look into the eyes of others to see their dignity in the image of Jesus Christ.”