Saint Raymond’s Respects Life -There Are Some Things We CAN Do!

Spring 2020: Saint Raymond’s Respects Life

There Are Some Things We CAN Do!

While the public vigil of the Spring 40 Days for life Campaign has been suspended all over the world, the prayer and fasting elements of the effort remain in full swing. Thank you for continuing to sacrifice for this cause.

April 4th and 5th were to be Saint Raymond’s days to keep the 40 Days for Life Vigil from 7 am – 9pm.  Witnessing on the sidewalk is not advised at this time; however, praying specifically during those hours will enable us to keep our commitment.  Please consider offering your prayers and sacrifices from home on that weekend specifically for an end to the scourge of abortion; particularly at that clinic.

While businesses and parks and even our churches have restricted or reduced access during the COVID-19 pandemic, our vigil site, The Falls Church Healthcare Center remains open for business for elective abortion.

On Wednesday, March 25th, Governor Northam issued a Public Health Emergency Order which directed “all hospitals to stop performing elective surgeries or procedures,” but the press release clarified that the Order did not apply to “the full suite of family planning services and procedures”.  That means abortions are explicitly not included in the stop order.

Abortion facilities are using up valuable PPE (personal protective equipment) every time an abortion is performed! Virginia’s doctors and nurses and other hospital staff need every one of these things if we are going to be prepared for possible outbreaks of more cases of COVID-19 in our Commonwealth. Elective abortions are not essential health care at any time, certainly not now!

What can we do about this?

We can exercise our right as a citizen concerned about public health and contact the Governor.  Insist that he instruct abortion facilities in Virginia to shut down during this epidemic. 

A suggested script:

SAY: “While businesses have been closed, abortion centers remain open in our state, continuing to perform elective surgeries putting ALL our lives at risk of COVID-19. I call on the governor to ACT NOW and close the abortion businesses before the deadly virus spreads further!”

ASK: “Is Governor Northam  going to protect us and issue the order to close the abortion businesses just as other businesses, schools, and churches have? To keep abortion businesses open is to put our lives at risk.”

Call Gov. Ralph Northam 804-786-2211

Or simply use this website from Virginia Society for Human Life

Or do both –  lest our silence imply consent.     

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves…” Proverbs 31:8