Please sign up for Mass this Weekend Here (Note Mass Times are Different than the Normal Schedule):
There will be no Music at All Masses
- There are only 200 seats available for sign up at each Mass.
- You MUST sign up for EACH individual who will be attendng the Mass you select (i.e., husband, wife, sons, daughters, etc.).
- You will receive an email confirmation from SignUpGenius after you’ve signed up: you MUST bring a printed copy of this email with you to Mass.
- You must arrive no later than 5 minutes prior to the Mass you sign up for.
- Late arrivals will not be permitted as “Stand-bys” will be admitted 5 minutes prior to Mass.
- All Attendees Must wear a MASK at Mass, no exceptions.
- Please bring your own mask, as we do not have a supply
- Gloves are encouraged, but not required.
- Please sign up for your Mass ASAP as non-parishioners may try to sign up for St. Raymond’s Masses i.e. from outside the Arlington Diocese.