Catholic Prayers
- 24 Hour Adoration for Elections
- 60 Hours of Adoration of the Most Holy Blessed Sacrament During USCCB Assembly
- Act of Contrition
- Act of Resignation to the Divine Will
- ADORATION (4/26 – until further notice)
- Angelus
- Anima Christi
- Apostle’s Creed
- Bishop Loverde invites all to participate in a Novena of Prayer and Penance March 14th to 22nd!
- Blessing of the Animals
- Chaplet of The Divine Mercy
- Daily Offering
- Divine Praises
- Evening Prayer
- Fatima Decade Prayer
- Fatima Prayers
- Gloria
- Glory Be
- Guardian Angel Prayer
- Hail Holy Queen
- Hail Mary
- Heroic Act of Charity
- Lenten Series Talk 3
- Litany and Prayer to St. Raymond of Peñafort
- Litany for Liberty
- Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Morning Prayer
- Mysteries of the Rosary
- Novena Prayers to St. Thomas More, Martyr & Patron Saint of Statesmen, Politicians, & Lawyers
- Our Father
- Prayer After to Rosary
- Prayer Before Communion
- Prayer Before Meals
- Prayer for a Happy Death
- Prayer for America
- Prayer for Employment
- Prayer for Government
- Prayer for Life
- Prayer for Our Family
- Prayer for Personal Forgiveness
- Prayer for Religious Freedom
- Prayer for Souls in Purgatory (Prayer of St. Gertrude)
- Prayer for the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy
- Prayer for the Sick
- Prayer for Vocations
- Prayer to Our Lady
- Prayer to St. Michael
- Prayer to the Holy Spirit
- Religious Freedom Week June 22-29th
- Renewal of Baptismal Promises
- Rosary
- Universal Prayer